The Library...
Railroad Collectibles
or why I haven't cleaned out my attic.




Click on the category title or the associated railroad name within the category.

Maps and Drawings include system maps, drawings of interlockings and other engineering drawings.
Penn Central
Union Pacific
Employee Materials include employee timetables, training materials, rule books, special operating instructions and other materials printed for the employee.
Canadian National
Canadian Pacific
Penn Central
Paperwork includes all kinds of forms, envelopes, and pulp debris that makes a railroad run.
Canadian National
Ma & Pa
Penn Central
Western Maryland
Passenger Timetables and Public Info has the paperwork that was printed for public consumption. This includes the monthly newspaper/letters that while not just for the public, was aimed as much at the public as the employee.
Penn Central
Bits and Pieces is where the "Stuff" winds up. Stuff like wax seals, the band that holds the paper that protects the seatback from your hair, locks, lanterns and all that kind of stuff

Not categorized by railroad.

Books. This is where scans of entire books or manuals end up. These are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, so you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to access these files. I recommend that you download these files as some of them are quite huge.

getacro.gif (2143 bytes)



Maps and Drawings

Penn Central

1-1-71, Block Stations and Interlockings for the Harrisburg Division, Eastern Region



CTC Millersburg PA to Dauphin PA

CTC Sunbury PA to Millersburg PA

CTC Sunbury PA to Northumberland PA

Enola Eastbound Classification Yard

Enola Westbound Receiving and Classification Yard













System Map The Katy around 1970.



System Map  A pull out map from some book that included timetables. Map is dated 12-12-29


Union Pacific

System Map  A pull out map from some book (could be from the same book as above) that included timetables.  Map is dated 04-29




Employee Materials

Penn Central

Employee Timetables

Eastern Region No.1   4-28-68

Central Region No.1  4-28-68

Eastern Region No.9   12-15-72 This is interesting as this is when the PC started using re-fillable notebook type covers. The later timetables were issued as just pages. I have No.11 still in the cellophane.

C.T. 400  Rules for Conducting Transportation  4-28-68

G-12  A lined book with an A-Z index

C. & S. 23 Rev.   Special Instructions, Requisites, and Specifications Governing Construction and Tests of Signals and Interlockings.  Whooeee what a mouthful.

S7-A Safety rules effective 7-1-68

PC Report a monthly newsletter to the employees. One page and not for non-employees as the PC Post was. Dated 1-7-72.

Safety Poster Watch for V.M. A safety campaign but damned if I can remember what it was.



Employee Timetables

Eastern Region No.23   The last timetable issued before the demise of the PRR and the forming of the PC. 4-30-67

10-29-67 Eastern Region, Chesapeake Division, Washington Yard, Timetable #15

C.T. 400  Book of Rules 10-28-56

C.T. 404   Supplemental Instructions to Operating, Signal and Interlocking Rules 9-26-48

C.T. 405  Special Instructions Governing Operation of Signals and Interlockings.

C.T. 290 R2   Electrical Operating Instructions 3-01-60

C.E. 78 Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Track (someday gotta scan the whole thing. What a reference for modelers)

S-7-C R2  Safety Rules Maintenance of Way and Structures Employees  11-01-57

Enola Operations  Special Instructions Governing Humping Operations Effective 12-15-62

129-D-1  Air Brake Examination Questions and Answers for Locomotive Enginemen, Firemen, Hostlers, Conductors and Trainmen  3-01-61

General Rules for employees not otherwise subject to C.T. 400.



Employee Timetables

Northern Division No.4  4-2-61


Canadian Pacific

Employee Timetables

Eastern Region No.47  Trenton, London and Toronto Terminals Divisions  4-30-67

Eastern Region No.57 Smith Falls, Sudbury and Schreiber Divisions  4-30-67


Canadian National

Employee Timetables

Great Lakes Region No.39   Southwestern Ontario Area including Norfolk and Western St. Thomas Division 4-28-68

Great Lakes Region No.41  Northern Ontario Area  4-25-65

Great Lakes Region No.67  Toronto Area including Toronto Terminals Railway





Penn Central

Form 19

Order 1119 from Cly tower 4-9-71

Order 1617 from Cly tower 5-18-69

Form A for order 1119

Business envelope

Waybill envelope



Form  19  A pad of blank forms. The mighty form 19 controlled all train movements.

Form  172 Rail pass request

Form  572 Violations report

Form  572 Violations report flip side

Form 1246 Clearance message

Form 1540 Report to shippers

Form 1560 Agent's transmittal of loss and damage claim

Form 2102 Injured employee 10 day report

Form 2534 Uniform order bill of lading

Form 2534 The fine print of the bill of lading. Large file so you can read it.

Form 1975R2 Freight Bill

C.T. 80 One of the cards no Conductor wants to get. This one tells him he has a car loaded with explosives.

C.T. 191 Call slip

C.T. 544 Record of explosives and other dangerous articles

F.I. 268 Local and Joint Passenger Tariff

G. 49a Mailing Tag

G 202 rev Interoffice envelope

Letterhead PRR Letterhead

Danger Will Robinson Some of the warning placards that were included with the paperwork. These were smaller versions (3.5" to 4" on a side) of the placard used on the car.


Western Maryland

Form 19  

Order 410 for a steam excursion trip 10-22-66

Order 32 for a steam excursion 9-10-66

Form A   The accompanying form that details how many Form 19s have been  issued from the dispatcher at that time.


Canadian National

Form 19 Order 440 from Toronto Yard 1-16-68

Form A for the above Form 19


Maryland and Pennsylvania

Form 19 Order 1 from York 10-7-69

Form A for the above order




Passenger Timetables and Public Info

Penn Central


4-28-68 New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louis

4-28-68 New York, Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, Washington

4-28-68 Philadelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore, Washington

4-28-68 Washington, Philadelphia, Boston

4-28-68 SEPTA Timetable Harrisburg, Lancaster, Downingtown Philadelphia

PC Post Magazine 12-72




1-13-52 Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Roanoke

4-30-67 New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Chicago, St. Louis, Washington

10-29-67 New York, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Johnstown, Pittsburgh

Pennsy Magazine 1-1-67




Bits and Pieces    

Click on the whistle sign to activate link.

s_w.gif (326 bytes)   PC and PRR wax seals

s_w.gif (326 bytes)  PRR and PC Signal Department Locks

s_w.gif (326 bytes)  REA Routing Guide

s_w.gif (326 bytes)  Strap use to fasten and protect the edge of the paper at the top of the seatbacks

s_w.gif (326 bytes)  A sign hung near a railroad telephone

s_w.gif (326 bytes)  A no trespassing sign. Brand new so I don't know where it might have hung.

s_w.gif (326 bytes)  Association of American Railroads Pamphlet No. 14

s_w.gif (326 bytes)  Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Time Book

s_w.gif (326 bytes)  Diagram of the Walschaert valve gear taken from the book "The Walschaert and Other Modern Radial Valve Gears for Locomotives" written by W.W. Wood in 1912

s_w.gif (326 bytes)   Penn Central belt buckle. Not an official buckle but one that was available when you could buy your belts and buckles separately. I must have worn this more than 15 years.





Click on the whistle sign to activate link.
These are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, so you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to access these files. I recommend that you download these files as some of them are quite huge.    getacro.gif (2143 bytes)

s_w.gif (326 bytes)   E-44 Operators Manual

s_w.gif (326 bytes)   GP-35 Operators Manual



CautionSignal.gif (964 byile:///D:/tes) StopSignal.gif (934 bytes) ClearSignal.gif (1480 bytes)
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